La muestra consistio en 106 participantes, con edad superior a 18 anos (M=24.3, SD=5.71), de uno y otro sexo (65 mujeres 61.3%). Las hipotesis son que los individuos con mas rasgos patologicos de personalidad tambien presentan mas sintomas de ansiedad y depresion y que las personas con mas sintomas de depresion o ansiedad presentan perfiles de personalidad especificos. Keywords: personality disorders, personality traits, psychological assessment.Įl objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar, en una muestra no clinica, si los sintomas de ansiedad y depresion estan asociados con la presencia de rasgos patologicos de personalidad. These data corroborate the hypotheses and help in understanding the personality profile of people from the general population who have more symptoms of anxiety and depression. For evaluation, we used the Dimensional Clinical Personality Inventory (IDCP), which assesses pathological characteristics of personality in 12 dimensions, and the Brazilian versions of the Beck Depression Inventory and the Beck Anxiety Inventory. The sample consisted of 106 participants, older than 18 years (M=24.3, SD=5.71), of both genders (65 women 61.3%). The hypotheses were that individuals with more pathological personality characteristics would also present more symptoms of anxiety and depression and that people with more symptoms of depression or more symptoms of anxiety have specific personality profiles. The aim of this research was to investigate, in a non-clinical sample, whether symptoms of anxiety and depression are associated with pathological personality traits.